2018 Dog year forecast for SHEEP (2018 羊年運程)
Year of sheep: 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
“General Forecast in 2018”
No matter financial, career or relationship, Horse is going to have a great year! You could earn more, got more opportunities in your career and the relationship with your partner will be more stable.
“Financial Forecast”
Horse got a strong financial year. As you got more opportunities in your career, your income would have a good increase. If you can manage your finance well, your saving could increase with a good amount. You could also try to do some investments to earn more. However, you should not invest a huge amount of the money, and should not use your money for some unreasonable reasons. If you keep that in mind, you will have a fruitful year.
“Career Forecast”
You may face lots of problems this year, and these will rise some negative thoughts in your head and may want to give up. But you have to stick with what you believed in, the best is yet to come. Your boss and colleagues also believed in your ability and willing to give you more opportunities, and you may get a promotion because of this. So work harder this year, you could earn a lot at the end.
“Relationship Forecast”
If you are single, it is quite hard for you to find the other half this year. Although you met several potential partners, they would not be the one. You will not only lose your time, but also your money. You should try to focus on the other things, for example, on your career. If you are married, you have to beware of there may be a third person get involved, and you should show your partner that you are still passionate about her/him.
“Health Forecast”
Horse will have a healthy year. Since your family will keep you in a good mood. However, there will be some gossip around, which will affect your emotions, and your health as well. You should keep yourself positive and hang out with family and friends more.
*Information above is concluded from different online sources, and is for reference only, no matter how it says, we wish you to have very good year of DOG :)