2018 Dog year forecast for OX (2018 牛年運程)
Year of Ox: 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009
“General Forecast in 2018”
Sometimes bad things have to happen before good things can. Ox this year cannot be the worst but not the best. Good or not will depend on how you perceive the situation. You should make the decision as firm as you can, hesitation will only worsen the situation. Ox this year can have good relationship with others, especially with females, but may have health related problem – intestines and stomach problems.
“Financial Forecast”
Ox this year should be careful of doing investments, otherwise, will have a great loss from the investments. However, you can earn quite much from your career, therefore, you should put more effort on your career, and should keep calm when facing different situations, so that you won’t make mistakes or wrong decisions.
“Career Forecast”
Ox should try to impress your boss more by doing somethings that you are good at. You may get a promotion from this. If you are having you own star-up business, you can try to grow your business this year, you may have a great success. If you were not satisfied with what you are doing as a career at the moment, you could try to star-up a business with some friends, you may get a surprising result!
“Relationship Forecast”
If you are already married, your marriage will be quite harmony this year, even though sometimes there may be some small fights, those will not affect much. Ox can try to do more surprises for your partner to keep your relationship fresh. If you were single, you don’t have to urge to have a partner this year, as the right person will appear at the right time. But you still have to avoid being passive.
“Health Forecast”
You may face a serious of problems this year, which will stress you out a lot! You may have a poor performance on your career due to the stress. Therefore, you should keep yourself away from stressful events, try to do more exercises to relax yourself, or hang out more with your family and friends. Stay close to the nature will always help to relax. And you should watch out for the intestines and stomach problem as well.
*Information above is concluded from different online sources, and is for reference only, no matter how it says, we wish you to have very good year of DOG :)
屬牛的人在2018年的整體運勢好壞參半。所謂盡人事而知天命,所需要注意的是自己對於在乎的事情的心態。所謂有得必有失,界乎於患得患失之間,猶猶豫豫反而可能會給自己帶來更大的麻煩。屬牛的今年人緣不錯,但是非較多,腸胃也特別差。雖然今年沒很好,但有好運會比惡運多,主要在農曆 3、6、9、12 這四個月,留意腸胃跟是非就可以了。另外,今年有女貴人之助,宜多點接近女人以增加遇到貴人機會。
*以上運程是綜合網上資訊所得,並只供參考之用。我們祝你有一個豐盛和順利的狗年 :)